I sort of fell into my work, which I did for over 43 years before retiring in September 2020.
I joined Home Hardware Stores Limited in St. Jacobs for a summer job after completing grade 13. I decided to stay a full year before going to University full time but after accepting a Computer Operator job within a few months, I decided to stay forever! I worked in IT, ending up as Director of Corporate Applications. I went to WLU part-time and completed a Diploma in Business Adminsitration in 2000.
I have always felt compelled to “do my part” in various ways.
I’ve held many of the volunteer positions at St. Jacobs Mennonite Church and have been on boards including Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, St. Jacobs Family Birthing Home and The Mennonite Story. I joined the board of Fairview Parkwood Mennonite Homes in 2021.
I am currently the editor of Life Together, our congregation’s newsletter.
I played some hockey and full equipment football when I was younger. Our fastball team won two Championships in the 80’s. I moved to slo-pitch and now have officially retired three times!
I started golfing in the late 80’s and try to play as much as I can these days. Cycling, bowling and horseshoes round out the sports I enjoy.
Music is the language of the soul
Music has always been a big part of my life.
I owe much of that to our dad, Melvin B. Horst. He loved his music and he included me and others in it often. We had a family band, The Spirit of St. Paul when I was a teenager and we often played together at family events, reunions and other gatherings. I was the drummer but also play guitar and ukulele.
I am recreating our family “music room” in my own house during my retirement.
The Family Cycle
My brother Gary and I cycled across Canada. It was a multiple year journey with a number of legs, some with years in between.
We had our two brothers, our sister, our children and nieces and nephews along for part of this journey. Overall it was a great achievement and I got my first tattoo to commemorate it!